domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

My Family in Seattle



In human context, a family (from Latin: familia) is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, affinity, or co-residence. In most societies it is the principal institution for the socialization of children. Anthropologists most generally classify family organization as matrilocal (a mother and her children); conjugal (a wife, husband, and children, also called nuclear family); and consanguinal (also called an extended family) in which parents and children co-reside with other members of one parent's family.
There are also concepts of family that break with tradition within particular societies, or those that are transplanted via migration to flourish or else cease within their new societies. As a unit of socialization the family is the object of analysis for sociologists of the family. Genealogy is a field which aims to trace family lineages through history. In science, the term "family" has come to be used as a means to classify groups of objects as being closely and exclusively related.
Extended from the human "family unit" by affinity and consanguinity are concepts of family that are physical and metaphorical, or that grow increasingly inclusive extending to community, village, city, region, nationhood, global village and humanism.


You found a special person in USA who became your husband/wife and now you are a family man/woman!

Your family is in Mexico and has not met your family in Seattle; you want to show them at least some pictures.


Below are some sites that will help you accomplish the task.
  • Common family names
  • Talking about one’s family in English                                                          


  1. Visit and study all the notes in the websites.
  2. Review the exercises done in class (Family tree)
  3. Make a photo album in any program you wish to use (at least 10 photos), try to follow this pattern:

      4. Make a video like the one shown in this blog (1:42-2:53) the video is going to be short (1 or 2 minutes)
      5. Upload both, the video and the photo album to Dropbox.



addresses the task effectively with unnoticeable errors  in language structure and use, as well as vocabulary and pronunciation .
contains some parts of 5 and 3
some parts of the task are not addressed;  some errors in language structure and use, as well as vocabulary and pronunciation .
contains some parts of 3 and 1
addresses only slight parts of the task;  very noticeable errors in language structure and use, as well as vocabulary and pronunciation .


Upon completion of this project you will have learned how to describe your family in English.


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